2 Things Self-Made Billionaires Can’t Succeed Without

Is it luck? Power? Being in the right place at the right time? For self-made billionaires, it’s much more than that.
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Self-made billionaires are misunderstood.

Now, I’m not asking you to pity them or create a Kickstarter campaign to lessen their suffering. But there’s an ongoing dialogue about how self-made billionaires amassed all of that money.

There’s speculation about how lucky they must be, and how they were just in the right place at the right time. There’s envy. There’s fear of their power. They’re often vilified for being in the top one-percent of the top one-percent, as if being successful is a negative and not something to aspire to.

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Transformation Coach at funficient

6 Ways to be a More Transparent Leader - People Development Network

If you can’t see where you’re going, getting lost is easy.  In previous blog posts, I’ve explored how the values of trust and respect, forming the basic building blocks of a successful organization, can be cultivated.  There is also a third key value that differentiates a successful company from an average one.  How to be a transparent leader.

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The 4 Stages Of Skill Acquisition

When we learn a skill, whether it is sports, music, painting, chess, or something completely different, some experts contend that we go through various stages over time. These stages reflect two things: 1) our increasing sophistication relative to the skill and 2) our metacognitive awareness of that sophistication, or our understanding of our understanding. The Conscious Competence model helps to explain the process by which we move through these stages to acquire a skill and an awareness of our level of acquisition.

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Why It’s Okay to Be Unsure About Your Career in Your 20s

Zosia Mamet, Lena Dunham, Jemima Kirke, and Allison Williams in Girls (2012).

The MPW Insiders Network is an online community where the biggest names in business and beyond answer timely career and leadership questions. Today’s answer for, “What should every college intern know about succeeding in business?” is written by Sally Blount, dean of Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management.

I often meet young people who think that they will find their true life calling if they can just get the right first job or internship. And I try to explain to them that whether it’s paid or unpaid, finding your true life calling in your early 20s is both unlikely and really not the point. Your first real-work experience is not meant to seal your fate for the next 30 years; it’s not meant to reveal your outstanding analytical skills; and it’s certainly not a time when you’ll show the world that you’re ready to be the next CEO (you’re not). The most important thing you can learn from your first job actually isn’t about you. It’s about the phenomenon of working and how human organizations get things done.

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Facebook’s Top HR Executive On Millennials and Performance Reviews

When Lori Goler joined Facebook eight years ago to lead its recruiting efforts, the social networking giant wasn’t quite a giant yet.

Back then, Facebook (FB, +1.07%) had around 500 workers and was small enough that the company didn’t have regular employee performance reviews. But as Goler got to personally know more employees she discovered that many workers didn’t know how they were performing, leaving them feeling rudderless.

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8 Mistakes Managers Make, According to Their Employees

This independent survey reveals the truth about workplace bosses, from the employees’ perspective.
CREDIT: Getty Images

Last year, I conducted an independent workplace survey on LinkedIn and received hundreds of responses to the question: “What is the ONE mistake leaders make more frequently than others?”

It obviously struck a chord, as the sentiments of employees across the globe came streaming in, many of them feeling distressed and disengaged.

I am revealing my top findings from this survey, broken down by the eight most common themes. In essence, these are the eight biggest mistakes leaders make that suck the life out of their teams.

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Why You Should Never JUST Work for Money [Top 5 Reasons]

By Jörgen Sundberg

Most people will say they do their job for the money. They would ideally want to do something different but they believe they have to stay and do more of the same to get that income. Here are the top 5 reasons you should not just chase those dollar bills:

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The 10 Reasons You Should Follow Your Passion And Not The Money

Money is a very powerful thing, it builds empires and breaks down kingdoms, it allows for dreams to come true and it takes others away, it makes some people happy and others completely miserable. Today the pursuit of money is almost directly linked to the pursuit of happiness, many will argue that money = happiness.

However, this is inherently problematic as this mindset leads many people to stray down a path that doesn’t best suit them. When people choose their careers, they are sometimes blinded by money and so choose to follow the paper trail. Although money is great and can buy us all the things that will temporarily make us happy, no amount of money can buy time. Time is our most valuable asset and it is something, that while on this earth, we should spend most wisely. You shouldn’t feel like you’re mindlessly wasting your life away

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Understand Profit, Cash Flow and ROI to Ensure Your Business’ Financial Health

Understand Profit, Cash Flow and ROI to Ensure Your Business' Financial Health

Recently, we helped a large mechanical contractor turn around its business. And we were successful in taking the company from loss to profit. However, the problem wasn’t solved because, before we arrived, the owners had taken out several business and personal loans to keep the company afloat.

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20 Signs You’re Destined to Become a Millionaire

20 Signs You're Destined to Become a Millionaire

Becoming a millionaire may seem like an unobtainable dream. I’ve been there and felt like it was unattainable and something that would never happen to me.

Then I started reading, studying and mimicking countless different successful millionaires.

In reality, it’s a lot more common than you think and completely possible if you have the right mentality to become rich. Here are 20 signs based on observations from several millionaire friends of mine, that you’re destined to become successful.

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